
上海狮語|方阳《近处的风景》x 马漓澧 《穿越尼丁森林》双个展|展览现场

上海狮語画廊 狮語画廊

阳《近处的风景》✖️ 马漓澧 《穿越尼丁森林》Fang Yang: Nearby Scenery ✖️ Ma Lili: Travelling Through the Niding Forest 
上海狮語画廊 Leo Gallery Shanghai
艺术家 Artists|方阳 Fang Yang、马漓澧 Ma Lili策展人 Curator|宁文 Ning Wen展期 Duration|2024.7.27-9.8地点 Venue|上海徐汇区武康路376号武康庭内Ferguson Lane, 376 Wu Kang Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai


由ARTnews中文版艺术总监宁文策展的艺术家方阳《近处的风景》以及马漓澧 《穿越尼丁森林》双个展已于2024年7月27日在狮語画廊(上海空间)盛大开幕,展览首次呈现了两位艺术家创作于2023年至2024年的新作,将持续至9月8号。
The dual exhibition featuring Fang Yang's Nearby Scenery and Ma Lili's Travelling Through the Niding Forest had a grand opening on July 27, 2024, at Leo Gallery Shanghai. Curated by Ning Wen, the Art Director of ARTnews China, the exhibition showcases new works created by the two artists between 2023 and 2024 for the first time, exhibits till 8th September.

展览现场 Installation View

关于艺术家 | About the Artists

方阳 Fang Yang





方阳先后参与了《苏州市第二届雕塑作品展》、《生长——青年艺术家邀请展》、《第二届东湖国际生态雕塑双年展》、《“城市之光”上海当代雕塑与装置艺术博览》、《第三届湖北青年雕塑双年展》等多个展览。并荣获第十一届 “明天雕塑奖”入围奖、“礼赞新时代——湖北省青年美术作品展暨当代潮玩艺术展优秀奖、首届K11新锐艺术创作奖、年度SAP(中国)标志性风格艺术大奖入围奖等多个重要奖项。其作品收藏于合美术馆、芷美空间、及部分私人藏家。


Fang Yang, born in 1990 in Hubei province, China, now works and lives in Wuhan, Hubei province. In 2015, he graduated from the Department of Sculpture of Hubei Institute of Fine Arts with a bachelor's degree. In 2019, he graduated from the Sculpture Department of Hubei Institute of Fine Arts with a master's degree.


Fang Yang's creations are rooted in the current social landscape, and his ongoing interest lies in observing and reflecting on daily life and the surrounding environment. He utilizes concise forms and readily available materials to find relatively free expressions within limitations. Land, plants, buildings, and everyday objects gradually become spiritual symbols in his creative practice. He uses them to record stories from the past and present, transforming them into works of art.


Fang Yang has participated in numerous exhibitions, including the "2nd Suzhou Sculpture Exhibition," "Growth - Young Artists Invitational Exhibition," "2nd Donghu International Eco-Sculpture Biennale," "City of Light: Shanghai Contemporary Sculpture and Installation Art Expo," and the "3rd Hubei Youth Sculpture Biennale." He has received several prestigious awards, such as the finalist award of the 11th "Tomorrow Sculpture Award," the Excellence Award at the "Praise the New Era - Hubei Youth Art Exhibition and Contemporary Trendy Art Exhibition," the first K11 Emerging Art Creation Award, and the finalist award for the annual SAP (China) Iconic Style Art Award. His works are collected by He Art Museum, Zhi Art Space, and various private collectors.


马漓澧 Ma Lili

部分展览: “消失的展览No.4-自然之默”(2023,知美术馆,中国成都)、个人项目《中央公园一秒钟》-“1+x”四川美术学院造型学院学术提名展(2021 四川美术学院美术馆,中国重庆),Good news & Bad news (2020,798艺术中心,中国北京),青衿计划(2017正观美术馆,中国北京),宁波国际当代新青年艺术节邀请展(2017宁波美术馆,中国宁波),第一届艺术媒体提名展青年艺术家特展(2016四川美院美术馆,中国重庆)“花托般盛开:多维的13位艺术家”(2016罗湖美术馆,中国深圳),“凝视“(2015田地艺术中心,中国北京)等。
Ma Lili was born in December 1988 in Chongqing, China. She graduated from the University of the Arts London with a Master's Degree in 2015, and from the Oil Painting Department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA) with a Bachelor's Degree in 2012. She graduated from the Middle School affiliated to the CAFA and was guaranteed a place at the CAFA in 2008. She currently lives in Beijing and teaches at the Sichuan Fine Arts Institute (SAFA).
Influenced by humanistic geography and oriental philosophy, Ma Lili's works explore the interaction between human perception and nature, as well as the themes of eternity and the ephemeral in time and space. Her works share a de-nationalized, de-regionalized, vast, and infinite inner experience, conveying an atmosphere of sacredness, tranquility, and grandeur. The main elements in her works are extracted from her surroundings and natural information gathered from social media. Through this, she attempts to discover more commonalities and connections within human culture and the subconscious in an increasingly contradictory, conflict-ridden, and fearful post-pandemic international society, conveying a healing power through her works.
Her selected exhibitions include Disappearing Exhibition No.4-Nature's Silence, Zhi Art Museum, Chengdu, China (2023); Individual Project One Second in Central Park-1+x Academic Nomination Exhibition of the School of Modelling, Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, Chongqing, China (2021); Good news & Bad news, 798 Art Centre, Beijing, China (2020), Green Belt Project, Zheng Guan Art Museum, Beijing, China (2017), Ningbo International Contemporary New Youth Art Festival Invitational Exhibition, Ningbo Art Museum, Ningbo, China (2017); The First Art Media Nomination Exhibition of Young Artists, Sichuan Fine Arts Institute Museum, Chongqing, China (2016); Blooming like a Flower Bracket: 13 Artists in Multidimensionality, Luohu Art Museum, Shenzhen, China (2016); Gaze, Tian Di Art Centre, Beijing, China (2015), etc.

关于策展人 | About the Curator

宁文 Ning Wen

策展人,FT中文网专栏作者现任ARTnews中文版策展部艺术总监 先后毕业于北京师范大学和伦敦大学金史密斯学院(Goldsmiths, University of London),曾参与国内多家私人美术馆的建构与国际推广:包括三影堂摄影艺术中心、伊比利亚当代艺术中心、泰康人寿艺术品收藏部/泰康空间、CHAO艺术中心。她同时也是ARTFORUM中文网、《艺术新闻/中文版》(TANC)、卷宗 Wallpaper、《典藏》(台湾)、《望 NOBLELESS》等媒体特邀作者。宁文曾担任2018年成都·蓬皮杜:“全球都市”国际艺术双年展(Cosmopolis #1.5: Enlarged Intelligence)宣传总监,2020年至2024年任知美术馆学术总监。关注方向:超验艺术,喜马拉雅艺术,观念艺术,社会介入式艺术。
Curator, columnist for FT.com, and the current Art Director of ARTnews China. She graduated from Beijing Normal University and Goldsmiths, University of London. She has participated in the facilitation and international promotion of many private art institutions in China, including Three Shadows Photography Art Center, Iberia Center for Contemporary Art, Taikang Life Art Collection Department/Taikang Space, and CHAO Art Center. She is also a guest writer for ARTFORUM China, TANC, Wallpaper, Art Collection (Taiwan). Ning Wen served as the publicity director of the 2018 Chengdu-Pompidou: Cosmopolis #1.5: Enlarged Intelligence, and the academic director of the Zhi Art Museum from 2020 to 2024. Her focusing areas are: Transcendental Art, Himalayan Art, Conceptual Art, and Social Intervention Art.

正在展出 Current Exhibitions

上海 Shanghai

香港 Hong Kong

狮語画廊丨上海  Leo Gallery Shanghai上海徐汇区武康路376号武康庭内Ferguson Lane, 376 Wu Kang Road, Xuhui District Shanghai 200031, China.Tues-Sun: 11am-6.30pm (Public Holidays Closed)+86(21)54653261 Shanghai@leogallery.com.cn www.leogallery.com.cn 狮語画廊丨香港 Leo Gallery Hong Kong香港上环西街46号 Sheung Wan, 46 Sai Street, Hong KongMon-Sat 11am-6.30pm (Public Holidays Closed)  +852 28032333 hongkong@leogallery.com.cnwww.leogallery.com.cn


